Good Afternoon Our Dear Extended American Family,

One of the hardest things each of us, no matter where you come from, has had to do, is say goodbye to someone who has been more beautiful and loving than, at times, even a blood relative could ever be.

For those who have come to know The Lord Jesus, we see, understand, and are comforted in knowing we shall all be reunited again one day with all of our beloved ones in His New Kingdom in Heavenly Places.

Mr Bear is such a person. Forever in our hearts, and forever anchored in our joy.

Below are just a few of our dearest memories of our time together helping our American Family in various states across the country.

(Memorial Service will Be Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 1PM South St Cemetery Portsmouth, NH.)

Stay Endlessly in Brotherly Kindness and Love, and don't waste time on the Phone and Robot... Make Real Memories with Those You Adore.

God Bless,

The HCH Team



We can only pray that that zealous Spirit will return AND BE REVIVED in every heart that remembers and lived through that horror.


The Team at Help!ComeHome!


Good Afternoon!

Our hope and prayer is that this message will find all in safety and peace. In these times, many hearts are weary and tired from just everything going on publicly and in many cases, privately. Our hearts go out for you near and far.

It may be good for many who are able just to try and take an inventory of all the small blessings in your life. Get out outdoors if you can and enjoy all that The Lord has created.

You need little or no money for this. Get together with those you love or just alone time and go to the parks, beaches, lakes, mountains, or your own back yard if your blessed with one. There are many fairs, festivals ,and amusement parks and little towns in every state to explore. The Robot is a great tool for communicating with your loved ones or old friends you cannot see, but it can never ever replace Human Contact or a Warm Hug and Smile. These are gifts from God.

The Charity has been spending the last month in New England helping out wherever and when ever we are able to help feed, clothe, and many times find shelter for those without hope.

We recently held our Summer Yard Sale during The Kingston Days Festival in Kingston, NH. This year we tried something new. We decided, because hard times have fallen on so many, to have a "Give Away." So many came by quietly and were able to get what they needed for their homes and children. Others came and loved something they saw and wanted to give a donation. It was a very wonderful time and many new friends and alliances were forged!

A very special and humble thanks to Michael Damour, Coleen Mayo,Allen Ramsay, Mark Shelton, Lynn Nicholas, Antonio Peppers, Michelle Impey, Sarah Cooper, Karen and Sean Ruhl, our Chairwoman, Ellie Mayo.

Above all,we are so blessed and grateful to have met so many new friends and faces! This event was truly one of "the best of times"days.

Take Care,God Bless,and Stay Safe.

The Team at HCH


Good Afternoon,

Before our service mission trip to Costa Rica, we had another trip to aid our sister charities in New York City.

Every year by God's Graces, (yes even in 2020) HCH has gone forward in Jesus' Name to help our Fellow Americans in any way we are able while taking every precaution necessary, including prayer, for the safety of all.

There are 5 boroughs in New York and we partnered with non profits on Staten Island and in Queens. So many in need waited patiently in long lines for help.

Here is our Journey in pictures with our Beloved Team of Volunteers... Great and Special Thanks to Terry Risden, Allen Ramsay, Antonio Peppers, Kevin Murphy, Darla Gould, William Graves, Sarah Cooper, Lynnette Nicholas, Coleen Mayo, Thomas Cooper, Michelle Impey, Evon Cooper, Mark Shelton and our wonderful Chairwoman Ellie Mayo. Stay Safe and God Bless!!

The Help!ComeHome! Team


Good Afternoon,

With the exception of 2020, The HCH Team has traveled every year over the last 5 years with Pastor Scott Shelton and his lovely wife Gail on their mission trip to Costa Rica.

We've come to know and love many God-fearing, humbly thankful people from the villages and towns there. This year, under the loving spirit of The Lord Jesus and Pastor Scott's direction, we were able to bring food and supplies to over 30 families in various towns, including hard working farmers and vendors who have literally nothing.

The Chairwoman has come to know and grow fond of many of families. Although these families have little and most are hardworking, their humanity is AMAZING LOVE.

The way things are getting in America, this kind of living isn't far away. Sadly, it's already starting to happen in many places. Although there are jobs here in America now (even for felons), there are some are able-bodied folks who choose not to get up and take them. Regrettably, that's a choice.. Something in your pocket is better than lint balls in your pocket... please don't forget that. (We speak from first hand experience... 13 Years and Counting...)

For those who are weary cannot work, or who are veterans, seniors, children, or disabled in any way, please go to one of the countless government agencies, non-profits, or charities in your area of the country. God be with you and may you get what you need by His Grace. Hopefully a family member or friend will help you if needed. No matter what your situation is, our hearts and prayers go out to you.

Take Care and Godspeed

The Team At Help!ComeHome!


Good Afternoon Dear America,

This day is a day of much love, gratitude, and humble thanks towards those "True Americans" in every sense of the word, who have laid down their lives over and over again for folks they've never met or spoken with. They protect us and DIE FOR US EVERY DAY by The Lord's Grace in their hearts and spirits.

I pray all Americans have their heads bowed in thanks. Not everyone considers that without these brave ones under God, no one would be able to walk around freely, tout ideas freely, go to and fro freely, or choose how and where to live freely. If you think you don't have these liberties, we will pray for you to be enlightened because many of our lives are NOTHING like those of our neighbors in second and third world countries, some of which we have seen with our own eyes with great sorrow. (May all those in no-profits and charities continue to pray, clothe, and give all aid possible to our homeless population.)

We will continue to honor these heroes every chance we get as well as our beloved veterans.

May The Great King above continue to watch over all of our forces and keep them safe as they go forward to protect our borders.

Every day is Memorial Day to us here on our Team... not just one day a year.

God Bless,

The HCH Team


Good Morning to My Dear American Family,

As Help!ComeHome! prepares to depart on an important service trip to the New York City area, we bow our heads in humble thanks for anything we can do alongside other fellow organizations for the Common Good of all of our citizens.

We also never forget all who have helped us in these endeavors through thick and thin. Among them? Our wonderful Police Forces country wide.

As we have always said, no matter what group you belong to, there will always be some evil. (And yes... that small bit can do great EVIL.)

But just as grain in the time of harvest in a barn, if you take up a handful and see the endless amount that's left, so it is with our Police Officers nationwide. The good outnumber the bad by 1000's!

Last year, at the start of the pandemic, I became very ill, called 911, and received much needed help from The Lord: 2 Guardian

Angels in the form of wonderful Public Servants called Police Officers.

Without hesitation, they cleared out the front seat of their squad car, put me inside, and sat beside me, helping me until the ambulance arrived for me. Even though the pandemic was in full swing, they put their well being on the line for me.

I love them with all of my heart and their precinct is blessed to have them!!!

Their names are Officers David Reagan and Laura Stewart !! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO IN SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY AND FELLOW MAN.

We also want to give a SPECIAL shout out to Ohio State Police Officer Austin Olive!!! A Wonderful Public Servant!! Thank you sir for everything and your help!!!! (Ellie and Lynn in photos)

Judgement is God's. Remember not to judge the entire group by a handful of wicked.

Please America, continue to take care of one another where you are able in your community.

God Bless and Stay Safe,

Ellie (Alison) Mayo.



Update: Service Trip, February - March 2021

Our Dear American Family,

This is Part II of our update on our most recent service trip through the North and South Eastern US. Some highlights:

  • Jackson, MS - we partnered with the Mount Nebo Baptist Church to give away over 2 tons of water to families hurting in the February water crisis. We donated a U-Haul truck loaded to capacity with water and distributed the water in a human conveyor belt.

  • Selma, AL - We stopped at the Edmund Pettus Bridge to take time for prayer and meditation on the Anniversary week of Bloody Sunday. On March 7, 1965, John Lewis and Dr. Martin Luther King led over 600 marchers across this bridge in the war against racial injustice. The marchers were brutally attacked by armed police. Here, we met George Solis, a man who survived the attacks and recounted his journey to forgiveness in Jesus’ Name.

  • The photos below only give a snapshot of our day-to-day agenda. No single post or collection of pictures will ever adequately capture the depth or meaning of this solemn work. From the tear-filled conversations with Americans on their last financial ropes, to the derelict storefronts of businesses unable to survive the pandemic, to the beauty of folks from starkly different backgrounds coming together serve a greater purpose in Jesus, this service trip (like all others) shows just how much this work is needed.

Thank you for supporting us in Jesus’ Name.


The Team at Help!ComeHome!


Good Afternoon,

It's been a little while since our last post. For those who have lost a loved one, I'm quite sure you can relate to the pain and heartache. Time stops, and then by God's Merciful Grace, you move forward.

Help!ComeHome! as well as many other charities and nonprofits have had to make continual changes and adjustments according to the latest pandemic-related restrictions of the the last year. Over the course of the last 12 months, we have still taken trips (while observing every safety measure) to help our American Family, as fates have gotten harder than ever before in these end-times.

Our team has again taken up The Journey of The Mission, partnering with non profits in three areas of NY state, in Pennsylvania, in Virginia, and in Alabama. We are now enroute to Jackson, Mississippi to deliver water, as they have been in dire straits for weeks, and we just found out about it while traveling. We've document parts of our extensive mission in the pictures below.

May The Lord Be With You All and Your Families,

The Team at HCH

Honoring Our Beloved Sister

To our dear American Family,

Due to the sudden and unexpected passing of a beloved family member and close friend to many on the HCH Team, we share with heavy hearts that we will be taking a pause from our main agenda to give ourselves time to grieve and heal from this loss. We will still be taking crisis calls and running our food pantry on Mondays and Thursdays by appointment only during this time. Thank you for your prayers, support, and understanding.

With love,

The Team at HCH



Good morning to all of our dear American family,

No one can deny before God that we are walking in very tragically sad, volatile, and scary times. Martin Luther King could NEVER have seen this coming. In the past twenty five years or more, this Nation has been on a fast, downward decline. We can all argue the many different reasons why we feel this is the case, for hours on end.

Sadly, no one can soberly deny that it was largely due to a huge amount of the world suddenly becoming enamored with the two-faced, good-and-evil creation of man called Technology. It reared its head within our families, homes, and minds - with all of its toys, amenities, and its apparent super star, "Social Media," to connect you with old friends and associations. All the while, it was also connecting evil with evil as never before on a global scale.

Everyone was so into its feel-good, bright lights and dazzling ways, (which were and are still wonderful for so many individuals) that sadly, only few closely payed attention to the whole picture and saw what lay on the horizon. The Devil was in the details on the flip side of it, spawning and birthing something wicked. To add to this horror, then came the plague... it's here, and it's real but as for its origins... someone knows... and that's the simple truth. We are all praying that The Lord will quickly and finally bring this to an end.

Now that the bogyman has arrived in its untimely birth, I pray, walking into the future, that all will remember the Human Connection that got left behind somehow. I pray especially for those who CLAIM to know The Lord Jesus, that they will walk more humbly and sober-minded IN GRACE and with a brotherly kindness to ALL men - whether or not you consider someone a friend. (Matthew 5:43-44-45 Ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven )

Martin L. King had this mindset, the mind of Christ, in all he set forth his hand to do, proving his beliefs, WITH PEACE according to JESUS, the author of peace.

May God bless you all and keep you safe.

The HCH Team

Reflecting on 2020...

It goes without saying that 2020 has had its own, particular set of challenges for citizens across the globe. From the pandemic, to relentless natural disasters, to civil and political unrest, to exploding tensions over deep-seated racial injustice, it seems we’ve experienced enough watershed moments to last a decade. These crises have only heightened the need for the work of nonprofit organizations in The US and worldwide. Thank God for the teams and individuals who have remained cognizant of the growing need for humanitarian aid and ever-committed to the cause of providing it in Jesus’ Name.

By the Grace of God, we are grateful to report that Help!ComeHome! found ways to serve our national community this year, in spite of the extreme limitations on travel and human contact. Under the courageous and faithful leadership of our Chairwoman, and taking every recommended safety precaution, Help!ComeHome! ventured into communities particularly affected by the economic fallout of the pandemic. Our journey took us to the end of the heartbreaking saga of George Floyd, whose life unjustly cut short. We attended his memorial service in Houston, TX and then moved onto cities in the surrounding areas. We served in Tempe, AZ; Kansas farm country; Mount Joy, Pittsburg, and Easton, PA; Denver, CO; the Mexican border; Washington D.C.; upstate NY; and New York City. In light of George Floyd’s death and the ensuing social unrest, we also stopped at Abraham Lincoln’s home in Springfield, Illinois for prayer and reflection. Wherever we stopped, we networked with various organizations and Departments of Health and Human Services (where and when open). We talked to countless Americans to get their stories, pray together, and give aid in communities across the US. We continued to find out which communities were most in need and began the work of helping local charities get those in their communities back on their feet.

As travel advisories became more severe, we turned our focus back to our local projects. We continued with our yearly coat and winter-clothing drive, we stocked a food pantry in our Portsmouth, NH headquarters; we partnered with other local organizations to provide basic necessities, and we continued to receive crisis calls.

Below you’ll find some memories from the past 12 months. Many thanks to the many Fire Departments, and great Police Officers across this country, as well as our core Team: Sarah Cooper, Mark Shelton, Melba and Tommy Martell, Tony Peppers, Lynnette Nicholas, Coleen Mayo, Michelle Impey, William Graves, Renee Anderson, Michael Damour, Matthew Walsh, Allen Ramsay, and Ellie Mayo, our Chairwoman. Many thanks to Thomas Shaw, Morgan Gardener, and the countless additional volunteers who pull through when they are really needed!

The number of communities and households in financial crisis are almost too numerous to count, and the pandemic has only heightened the need for relief. Please know that if you choose to support any humanitarian effort in your local towns, neither your time nor your money will go to waste. If you aren’t in a position to donate labor or monetary support, please remember that prayer is a powerful tool and always completely free to give. We pray for a brighter and better future for all.

Take care and Godspeed


Good Morning One and All,

In these times, everyone could use prayers, help, and hope. This is our benediction everyday for all Americans in the love and strength of The Christ.

Many people are hurting and in need of simple, basic necessities. Those who hadn't really ever felt the sting of poverty are now experiencing it for the first time, and it's heartbreaking. Help!ComeHome! has been taking appointments for food baskets, home goods, and basic aid. When we are able, we also help out with car maintenance, monthly utilities, and other odds and ends. We thank God that we are able to help with these things and for all of the countless sister charities who do the same in Jesus' Name.

Although this year has been rough, we still, as you know, traveled across the country. There's a lot more to share from our trip! So much is happening all the time that posts will vary as to the importance of what is occurring in these times before God.

While traveling, we've been able to proceed with our Water Project, which brings water to communities that have experienced water problems due to industrial waste. Believe it or not, mainstream media hasn’t even reported HALF OF THE TRUTH or revealed bad it truly is. This crisis could come to our own communities UNAWARES. You cannot survive without water. It's something that is continually taken for granted until, without warning, judgement strikes. Special thanks to two of our Houston, Texas members for hosting The Team, Melba and Tommy Martell! Special thanks to Danielle for giving a hand in these endeavors, and for Elice Holman who gave her wonderful heart and smile to weary travelers!!! This is what TRUE family is all about in America!! We are ever finding out that we have a lot of folks from all nationalities and walks of life that count us as family across the country!!

Our love and regard to America,

Stay safe, and God be with you!

Honoring Our Veterans Everyday

Good afternoon, America!

We thank God above every single day for our Veterans and for those presently serving who will become Veterans. We do this in the Love of Jesus for all of those selfless, true Americans who have laid down their lives down for people they have NEVER MET, SUCH AS YOURSELVES, and who are willing to risk death to protect you... It's truly tragic that some take this for granted and even belittle and abuse them!! Every day should be as this day, for every American owes them after the Lord for their freedoms!!! These noble souls are moms, dads, uncles, aunts, neighbors, cousins, friends, and family members... The list goes on and on... No matter where we are in America, we always try and thank our dear Freedom Fighters and help them if they are in need... May God reserve a special place in Heaven for these precious Americans who bear His Name.

Take care and Godspeed,

The HCH Team


A word of noble caution to all those who claim they are true Christians after the order and humble, selfless Love of The Lord Jesus and His Teachings: (Matthew ch 5 and ch 6) For many are called, but sadly only a precious few are shosen… ( Matthew Ch 20)… Only God knows where every heart stands... and He alone is the only judge and arbitrator for all men... God be with all this day, for the future, troublesome times are approaching according as God has said through His prophecies. They are no joke... No MAN can stop God's Judgement and Hand of Fate in these matters. The signs of the times are quite evident. (Matthew ch. 24) Prayers and Love to all men.

God bless and stay safe.



As always, we pray this message finds our readers safe and in good health. Our prayers go out to all who are struggling at this time.

The Charity is in its fourth quarter of this eventful year. Regardless of the horrible judgement of the plague, we have been blessed to receive donations of furniture, clothes, and household items. We've also been blessed to bring hope, water, food, and emergency aid to many towns throughout America; to do "meet n' greets" with Health and Human Services; and to just bring a warm smile, a supportive shoulder, and prayerful, humble, and objective listening ear to the table for countless individuals trying to make sense of these times. We come without any world-group views or labels, but in the Nature and Love of Christ.

A very loving and heartwarming thanks to our dear Alice Derochemont Richardson and her wonderful former bosses Kathleen Spang and Peter Morton of Ocean Woods Resort Kennebunkport, Maine for their donation of furniture and household goods earlier this year!!! It couldn't have been heaven sent at a better time with the hurricane disasters we will be helping out sister charities with...

I would love to give special thanks to our gracious core NH team who continue to brave the times! Special love for some of our Board Members who volunteer as well : Mark Shelton, Sarah Cooper, Renee Anderson, Lynnette Nicholas, Mike Damour, Coleen Eagan Mayo, Michelle Impey, and our wonderful Chairwoman, Ellie. (Photos were taken before the plague was in full swing.)

We will still be continuing to post photos and stories about our beloved Public Service Officers, but we wanted also update everyone on what work The Lord's Charity is doing. We also are also continuing Food Baskets on Mondays and Thursdays until next Friday and assisting schools and communities with food baskets for the world's upcoming holidays as we do every year in Jesus Name!

As Always, God Bless!

The HCH Team


Good Morning,

I pray this message finds everyone safe and with loved ones. We well know and sadly and first-hand that some people's lives have been turned into a nightmare because of the Plague. We help where we can and continue in our prayers for all. This day and every day we bow our hearts in admiration for our nation's public servants. (NOT THE SMALL GROUP WITHIN THEIR RANKS OF RACISTS AND BIGOTS.) Most have chosen to lay down their lives unconditionally for people they have never met. They are husbands, wives, daughters, sons, moms, dads, friends, relatives... and the list goes on and on... They realize every day with every call, they could lose their lives, but they courageously move forward into a future filled with uncertainty to protect and serve all Americans. We have met so many as we travel to and fro across our Great Nation! Special thanks to Detective Christopher Prehl and Officer Tricia Sullivan of the Acton, MA Police, and the City of Rochester, NH's Fire Chief Captain Mike George and His Wonderful Team! Also sending love and thanks to Houston, TX Officer Matthew Muskeet who gave us strength and hope in humanity on the day of George Floyd's funeral!

Take care of one another,



Good Afternoon,

This year has certainly been a full bitter cup to drink for Countless and presently things have not changed much. We wanted to take a moment with all those who Truly Fear and Respect God in His Rebirth and Love and Actually read His Word Daily to stop and pray for everyone who has fallen prey to this Plague....Right now this includes The President,his Family and many in Congress. I Pray Not to hear any hatred coming from any who proclaim to love The Lord Jesus for He is Quite Clear on His Stances and They Have Not and Will Never Change...

.Hebrews Ch 13:8 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today and For Ever and again in Malachi 3:6 For I am The Lord; I Change Not.

He said in Matthew Ch5 You have heard that it hath been said; Thou shalt love thy neighbor and Hate Thine Enemy....But I say unto you Love Your Enemies Bless them that Curse You Do Good To Them That Hate You and Pray For Them That despite-fully use you and Persecute You That Ye May Be The Children of Your Father Which is in Heaven........Today our Heads are Bowed for The First Family and all others across The Globe The Mind and Heart of The Christ.

God Bless You All.

The HCH Team


Good Afternoon!

Before we return to our regular posts, we wanted to tip our hat and give a huge nod to our firefighters and emergency response units for all they do for Americans everyday!! These silent, noble heroes continue to fight for our safety even with ongoing illnesses from 9/11 and the present pandemic to other tragedies! Right now, they are in the Pacific North West and West, fighting this living evil creature called fire. Please take a moment before The Lord to really say thank you. If you see any in passing in your community, give them a honk or a shout out!!! A BEAUTIFUL HUMBLE THANKS FROM HELP!COMEHOME! to the Concord, MA Fire Dept and all their brother and sister stations across the USA. They have selflessly lain down their lives, knowing that one day, in saving the lives of others, they may not make it home...

God Bless You Assistant Chief Walter Latta; Lieutenant Keith Cotoni; and FF'S Paul Dowencuella, Evan Foisy, Mike Allain, and Eric Kempf!!

God Bless and Stay Safe!

The HCH Team


Good Afternoon,

I pray that all is well and safe, not only for all who read this and their loved ones, but for everyone.

As I mentioned in previous posts, the Charity finished Part 1 of a very long journey about roughly a month ago, and it was truly an eyeopener. I think our findings are important... I told you before that there is a generation of people who seem to think they don't have a voice; they are literally afraid to speak up. I tell you now, that the members of generations who came before this Robot Era, OUTNUMBER THE MEMBERS OF THIS ROBOT-ERA GENERATION BY 1000's. They want to hold onto the God-given or just the wonderful way they were raised, and they want to see their moral and hometown values preserved. While we helped countless individuals across the nation from different walks of life, many, surprisingly, had a lot to say concerning this.

I am also humbly grateful to do a segment on an organization dear to this nonprofit's heart: Law Enforcement! We have been going strong for over 10 years, and the Police forces across this nation have been very kind and helpful to us, even in sections of this country considered very racist. We did meet-and-greets with many, and the conversations were filled with hope, concern and sorrow for minorities, the down-trodden, and for their own families. We wanted to get their honest take on present-pay America. This is our chance to SAY THANK YOU.

Next time you are on a beach, pick up a handful of sand and see how many granules there are!! Then compare that to the sand everywhere. There's so much more than what the naked eye can see!! This is how it is with THE EXCELLENT POLICE OFFICERS in comparison to those who are racists and bigots!!! SADLY, the court of public opinion more times than not, pools them all together, and riles up the masses to do the same!!!!! That's just wrong to do to ANY Group... Lumping the bad with the good!!

It's a crime in Heaven for all who say that you respect God to do this... The Police and the US Armed Forces are special and different because they have never met you, and MOST are fighting to keep America, you, and your community safe. Many quietly love and fear God!!! Just remember that please! Warm thanks to the NYPD and Officer’s Zelma,Jeff,Taunton and Caniglia and Concord, MA police and special thanks to Officer Luke Rennie!! MUCH MORE TO COME!

As always,

God Bless and Stay Safe