Pop-Up Pantries
Whether we're conscious of it or not, we all encounter individuals in need on a regular basis. Visit any US city, and you'll run into streets littered with homeless men and women. Take a look inside any homeless shelter, and you'll find entire families barely making ends meet. Sometimes our very own neighborhoods house hardworking men, women, and children who can no longer afford to pay the electric bill or buy ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner. Our newest initiative aims to equip volunteers with the means to satisfy the basic, immediate needs of struggling individuals and families unable to complete our normal intake process.
Volunteers participating in the Pop-Up Pantry Project will receive a stipend to buy food, toiletries, and other necessities for the needy individuals they encounter on a day-to-day basis. With each new purchase, volunteers fill out a form to document how they spend the donation money and then return the paperwork and receipts to Help!ComeHome! once the stipend has been fully spent. Volunteers also have the option to purchase items with their own money in the form of a tax-deductible donation to HCH.
The Water Project and The Navajo Reservation
HCH volunteers will testify that our country’s First Americans, the Native Americans, face some of the most horrifying circumstances. On the Navajo reservation, decades of uranium mining have taken a heavy toll. Radiation exposure and water contamination have increased cancer rates and triggered a slew of respiratory diseases. These communities also desperately need adequate food, clothing, dental care and medical attention.
Along with far too many Americans, the Navajo people do not have a stable supply of uncontaminated drinking water. In response, HCH volunteers have launched the The Water Project, which aims to provide these communities and individuals with access to clean water. The project involves partnership with local businesses who will 1) store HCH-provided water on their premises in case of a community emergency, 2) help purchase water, or 3) make a donation.
Home on the Navajo Reservation
Business willing to provide storage space for water may also help provide and store additional care packages, toiletries, dry products, and other non-perishable items.
Before God, we hope to provide communities with enough water and care packages to sustain them in the event of a national emergency or natural disaster. Along with HCH, other charities and organizations throughout America will work to ensure the protection of US citizens and Native Americans.
This project will be a major undertaking, as we plan to cover not only the the Navajo Reservation, but as many communities as possible throughout the United States. We urge you to donate your help in whatever way you can, whether to this charity or another. Thanks and God Bless.
Ongoing Coat and Winter Clothing Drive
Every year, HCH sponsors a coat and winter clothing collection campaign to help families stay warm throughout the cold winter months. The demand for these coats is always high, especially in the aftermath of major storms and other natural disasters. We expect this year to be no different; Hurricane Florence has already ruined countless homes and claimed the lives of 14 citizens. As a Community Partner of the Burlington Coat Factory, HCH plays a particularly important role in distributing coat and clothing donations among the needy. In order to continue to serve those who need our help, we rely on donations from kind individuals, small companies, and large corporations alike. If you have new or gently-used clothing you no longer need or wear, please consider donating it to Help!ComeHome!
We also collect in-kind donations of all types year-round. Please call our office at (603) 422-6448 or write an email to helpcomehome@comcast.net if you’d like to know more about making in-kind donations.