Good Afternoon Dear America,

This day is a day of much love, gratitude, and humble thanks towards those "True Americans" in every sense of the word, who have laid down their lives over and over again for folks they've never met or spoken with. They protect us and DIE FOR US EVERY DAY by The Lord's Grace in their hearts and spirits.

I pray all Americans have their heads bowed in thanks. Not everyone considers that without these brave ones under God, no one would be able to walk around freely, tout ideas freely, go to and fro freely, or choose how and where to live freely. If you think you don't have these liberties, we will pray for you to be enlightened because many of our lives are NOTHING like those of our neighbors in second and third world countries, some of which we have seen with our own eyes with great sorrow. (May all those in no-profits and charities continue to pray, clothe, and give all aid possible to our homeless population.)

We will continue to honor these heroes every chance we get as well as our beloved veterans.

May The Great King above continue to watch over all of our forces and keep them safe as they go forward to protect our borders.

Every day is Memorial Day to us here on our Team... not just one day a year.

God Bless,

The HCH Team