HCH Benefit Concert a Success in Jesus's Mighty Name!

Good morning, America!

Here at HCH we've been relishing in the memories of our very first major fundraising event. As team leader, I had been working with a dedicated team of volunteers, planning for, and anticipating the event for months. To see everything come to fruition has we had envisioned was a true blessing from the Great King Above. 

Last Tuesday, residents from the Greater Boston Area and beyond came to Bemis Hall in Lincoln for an evening of music performed by HCH volunteers Thomas Cooper, Sarah Joyce Cooper (myself), Roland Clark, Darla-Dee Gould, and pianists Rachel Goodwin and Tae Kim. Featuring a variety of selections and genres, the program reflected the diversity of the individuals and communities HCH serves on a regular basis throughout the country. All proceeds from the concert have been set aside to support HCH projects throughout the country and Navajo Reservation.

The concert would not have been a success without the many volunteers who gave time, energy, and heart to make Tuesday night possible. We'd like to offer our deepest thanks to Michelle I. Mayo, Mark Shelton, Coleen Egan, Lynnette Nicholas, Matthew Walsh, Alice Richardson, Darla Dee-Gould, Roland Clark, Thomas Cooper, Rachel Goodwin, Allen Ramsay, Carolyn Thomas, and Bear Freeman. Of course without Chairwoman and HCH founder Alison "Ellie" Mayo, whose prayerful guidance has directed this charity since its conception, none of us would have the privilege or opportunity to serve in such a worthy cause.

Many thanks to the Boston Collaborative for partnering with HCH, helping cover production costs, helping us meet deadlines, and spreading the word. We are so grateful for the crucial role you played in making this concert happen.  

Take care and Godspeed!

Sarah Joyce Cooper

A Nod to Our Neighbors: A Benefit Concert for Help!ComeHome!

Dear Friends, 

For those of you familiar with Help!ComeHome!, you know that for over a decade our volunteers and board members have served US citizens throughout the nation from countless backgrounds, traditions, and socioeconomic stations. In spite of these differences, all of us stand united in the common thread of humanity. No matter what our background, each of us has experienced joy, pain, loss, love, the beauty of a cool breeze on a hot day, the comfort of a familiar face in a new and strange setting...

The Boston Opera Collaborative has graciously partnered with Help!ComeHome! to program an evening of music that celebrates these universal experiences and emotions. Please join soprano Sarah Joyce Cooper and violinists Thomas Cooper and Roland Clark for a concert of Beethoven, Strauss, Turina, Jazz, and African American Spirituals. All proceeds from the concert will benefit Help!ComeHome! and the communities it serves throughout the US and Navajo Nation. 

We hope to see you there!

What: A benefit concert for Help!ComeHome! 

When: Tuesday, June 19th, 6pm

Where: Bemis Hall, 15 Bedford Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773

Tickets: $25 - adult,  $15 - senior,  $10 - student


Tchavolo Swing - Tchovalo Schmitt

Tres Poemas (Olas gigantes, Tu pupila es azul, Besa el aura) - Joaquín Turina

Sonata No. 1 in G minor (Fuga, Siciliane, Presto) - J. S. Bach

Selections from Richard Strauss (Ständchen, Wiegenlied, Ich schwebe, Morgen)


Partita No. 3 in E Major (Preludio, Loure, Gavotte en Rondeau) - J. S. Bach

Sonata No. 8 in G major Op. 30 No. 3 - Ludwig van Beethoven


His Name So Sweet (Hall Johnson, arr.)

Motherless Child (Moses Hogan, arr.)

Deep River (H. T. Burleigh, arr.)

About the Boston Opera Collaborative

Boston Opera Collaborative offers fresh opera experiences that put our audiences in close contact with the power of the human voice. Our year-round performance calendar features Boston’s brightest young talent in energetic and intimate productions of repertoire ranging from canon favorites to Boston premieres. We bring opera into unexpected places and find new ways to tell familiar stories, inviting the uninitiated to see their first opera and welcoming the lifetime fan to engage with our unique brand of music theater.

Boston Opera Collaborative’s roster artists come to us from the nation’s top conservatories, making Boston their home as they pursue the next stage of their careers. BOC provides performance and outreach opportunities, continuing education and professional development resources. We also provide opportunities for singers and others interested in arts administration to serve in an administrative capacity in one of our operational departments, from Production to Development, Marketing to Finance. Through this business model, they gain valuable hands-on experience in administrative skills that support their future careers in the arts.



Good Morning!
I can only pray this message finds everyone safe and well... This year sadly has come with great sorrow, as our Team has witnessed many loved ones, including seniors, family members, and old friends, pass on in The Lord Jesus... many parts of our agenda were postponed as a result... Most recently, Help!ComeHome! has been traveling through western America. We will be sending updates on the Journey shortly... please remember to visit and call those you love, because human contact is God's special gift to mankind. Besides this, most importantly, no one knows what the future holds... technology is useful if you aren't able to immediately see someone because of illness or distance... but if you are able, get out and see your loved ones and old friends in person before it's too late.... God Bless ♥️



Good Afternoon!

Every Memorial Day, our nation takes time to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for the precious freedoms we all hold dear. At HCH, we believe it's equally important acknowledge those who remain with us in addition those who have passed on.

No matter what day it is, we remember these special Americans at all times, whether through quiet prayer or through any of our service projects for veterans and families of those who have lost loved ones in war.

Some take our freedoms for granted without thinking about the fact that someone SELFLESSLY put their life on the line for all that is right before God without even knowing ANY of us!!! Help!ComeHome! treats everyday as some treat Memorial Day.......No matter where The Dear Lord Takes us in our travels, we try to help their cause and fight against the plight of countless Americans.....Let us bow our heads and give thanks and prayers for all of our Armed Forces... Both past and present... want to see how you can help? Visit https://nvf.org/veteran-resources/.

Take Care and God Bless!


Good Afternoon, America!

I pray this message finds you well... Help!ComeHome! has a busy summer agenda ahead, which will include traveling across the country to aid our American family, helping out communities and fellow charities with water distribution, hosting our very first big fundraiser in Massachusetts, setting up our Traveling Food Pantries in various areas, and many other endeavors... In these times, we need to be united and stand together in love in these matters... Please, if you find you have a little extra in your budget, help out your local non-profits and charities. They all do a blessed, endless, and selfless work... One never knows... one day you may find you need them...

Thank You and God Bless!

Lynnette Nicholas
Head Secretary/Notary

The Water Project Continues

The Water Project is well underway as HCH members and volunteers continue to distribute clean drinking water to families throughout the US and Navajo Nation without access to this precious resource.

We'd like to thank Aaron Mayo, Terry Flower, Charles Kimball, Heather Paige Wolfe, Darla and Dana Gould, and many, many others who have all graciously supported the Water Project over the past few years. 

The Environmental Working Group has compiled a database that allows users across America to find out how much their water is contaminated according to 30 million state water records now accessible in one place.

Last year, USA today reported that an estimated 63 million Americans have been exposed to unsafe drinking water over the past decade.

Just last month, Trenton Water Works, a New Jersey-based company that provides running water to Trenton, Lawrenceville, and surrounding towns, issued a warning to its customers informing them that its water did not meet industry standards of purity. Warnings like these will only continue to become more commonplace.

The need for clean water is growing; access to this precious resource continues to become more limited. 

Any family or community we can help protect from the dangers of contaminated water is significant. Please consider making a donation to The Water Project Today. 

Take a look at some of our Water Project volunteers in action below!

HCH in Texas: Part II

Good afternoon, America!

Here’s another segment on our journey in Texas, which took us to Houston following this year’s particularly brutal hurricane season. HCH members ventured out in teams to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey. Even though weeks had passed since Harvey first struck, we found entire neighborhoods in serious disrepair. Many hardworking Americans had used their life-savings to move from neighborhoods that suffered the most damage. Without a backup plan, many of these individuals are now entirely dependent on government agencies and humanitarian organizations for recovery.

In partnership with the Salvation Army in Houston, HCH volunteers prepared food baskets to distribute to families in need throughout the Houston area. 

HCH representatives also met with the Texas Department of Health and Human Services to distribute food baskets and connect with families struggling to pay their bills.

We invite you to take a look at some of our memories from Houston below. We extend our deepest gratitude to our dedicated volunteers: Allen Ramsay, Mark Shelton, Tony Peppers, Lynnette Nicholas, Darla Dee-Gould, Coleen Mayo, Sarah Cooper, and of course our Chairwoman Alison Mayo who organizes all HCH relief efforts!

Stay tuned for a video about hurricane damage in Houston… We haven’t heard about it in the news for weeks, but families are still struggling to recover.

Stay blessed!

The Help!ComeHome! Team

HCH in Texas: Part I

Good morning, America!

Along with nearly every other nonprofit in the US and far beyond, Help!ComeHome! was very busy in the last quarter of 2017. It is wonderful to see so many hearts rally together for the cause of the needy throughout man's holidays. I can only pray that this giving spirit continues throughout the rest of the Roman calendar year.

Our work down in Houston has carried on into 2018; the number of those in need only grows greater by the day. Because our work in Texas has been so extensive, we'll be posting about our time there in segments.

Here are some of our memories from working with the Children's Hunger Fund at America's Toy Wrap in Dallas.

The Children's Hunger Fund is a wonderful nonprofit that seeks to improve the lives of impoverished children in America and throughout the world. At last December's Toy Wrap, HCH and a host of other volunteers helped wrap thousands of toys for children in need. 

Stay blessed!

The Help!ComeHome! Team

A Moment of Reflection

Good evening, America!

I truly hope this message finds everyone well. With the increasingly troubling news headlines we face each day, I thought it might be a good time to talk about the goals and missions of Help!ComeHome! These goals have not changed since the charity's conception in 2008.

Help!ComeHome! is a 501c3 nonprofit organization established in response to the ongoing economic struggles of middle and lower class US citizens. Far too many Americans continue to struggle to find work and keep up with basic living expenses. For a country that has for years provided one of the highest standards of living in the world, the living standards of our country's poorest neighborhoods are inexcusably low. New research reveals that the disparity between rich and poor only continues to increase. Many of us have begun to witness this phenomenon firsthand.

Help!ComeHome! reaches out to disadvantaged individuals and communities, providing help whenever and wherever possible. Whether in the form of monetary assistance, food basket donations, human labor, or moral support, Help!ComeHome! volunteers continually serve Americans throughout the US.

In the beautiful name of Jesus Christ, Help!ComeHome! will seek to provide assistance to struggling families and communities when all other resources have failed.

To learn more about our mission and find out how to get involved with our work, please visit www.helpcomehome.org.

Take care and God bless,

Sarah Cooper, Executive Assistant


Hello my dear friends and fellow Americans,

As we all walk into the Roman Calendar Year of 2018, I pray that everyone's resolutions for all that is good and right include remembering who your true family is, who your true relatives are, and who your true friends and kinsmen are from your childhood. Make it a point not to choose one of the world's groups with all of their prejudices, cruel practices, and hatreds over any of the alliances which are bound to your heart by love. Please use your ROBOT to connect to those you treasure when you can in no way visit and see them. Don't use it to REPLACE HUMAN CONTACT... FOR THAT IS A GIFT FROM GOD that should never be replaced... Get out and see your loved ones in person. Remember those with whom you share the kewlest memories, and don't let societies’ groups you join cause you to forget... one day we may all truly need each other as the future is uncertain... My love to all in Jesus’s Name... Peace.



New Members!!!

Hello America!!

HCH would like to take a moment to thank and introduce our newest volunteers!! Please join us in welcoming:

Terry Flower from Kittery, ME; Justin Youkey from Philadelphia, PA; Donna Earle from Dumfries, VA; Carol Thomas from Portsmouth, NH; Purvis Peppers from New York City; Jodi Eldridge from Marlborough, MA; Jason Rubick from York, ME; Mary Rubick from York, ME; and Kim and Cedric Gillikan from Gorham, ME.

We are deeply grateful for your support as we continue the never-ending fight against poverty for Americans and Native Americans across the nation in Jesus's Name. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us!






Good Afternoon America!
In these past years, Help!ComeHome! has been very blessed to work with so so manygrracious and beautiful organizations across America, whose volunteers and members are some of the most wonderful and selfless folks that have ever lived!! We have been very privileged to work with many individual private citizens who just came forward with hearts in hand in the Love of Jesus! Pictured are some of the Charity's most precious moments working with our own NH and New England Family, with folks down the Eastern Seaboard and Mid Atlantic States, with NYC Cares, with NYC Harvest Food Bank, with Ministry Street Soup Kitchens, with Catholic Charities and Churches, with Our Daily Bread, with Salvation Army Kitchens, with Goodwill Services, and with Women's and Men's Shelters everywhere!!! Special thanks to Market Basket and The Community Action Programs as always!! (Just To Name A Few!)Take Care and Enjoy your Holidays!! God Bless!


Good Evening America!
By God's Blessing, the Charity has been able to hit the ground running in our Forever Quest to help those in need countrywide. Through the Thanksgiving holidays, we have been able to help over 200 Families throughout New Hampshire, Maine, and the Eastern Seaboard all the way to Florida. We couldn't have done it without the selfless volunteers giving their love and time! I give a special, humble thanks for all who have rallied to the call!! Great loving thanks to Allen Ramsay, Kimmy Burga Sullivan =-), Darcy Tardiff, Darla Dee Gould, Carolyn Thomas, Terry Risden, Lynnette Nicholas, Rossine Mayo, Kevin Murphy, Sarah Cooper, Evon Cooper, Coleen Mayo, Michelle Impey, and Chairwoman Ellie Mayo !!! We will continue to help as many as possible in Jesus Name... Amen

Help!ComeHome! and Community Action

Good Afternoon, America!

It's been over five years since Help!ComeHome! has been a proud supporter of Community Action Programs throughout New England.

Community Action Programs help countless citizens from Young to Seniors with everything from clothing, food, paying bills, job searches, and above all, moral support. When Help!ComeHome! has extra, we always try to give to our CAP Programs in Dover and Seabrook... This year, by the Grace of Jesus, we were fortunate enough to help them provide assistance to 50 Families. Please, if you have a little or a lot to spare, give to your local Charities and CAP Programs... We thank God for this beautiful Community where charity abounds... I pray that this level of giving continues in the months and years to come and NOT JUST DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON!

Thank God... Please be safe in this holiday season


Good Evening America!

I would like to take a moment to recognize The Police Officers in my Hometown of Portsmouth, NH. This past summer they took time out of their hectic schedules through the fall to interact with the community by working with Senior Services City of Portsmouth's Coordinator, Brinn Sullivan, in " The Walk With A Cop Program". While HCH Volunteers were local, they came out to participate and gave a wonderful report!! Beautiful and Humble Thanks to Chief Merner, Captain Warchol, LT Newport, LT Sargent, and Detective Navelski... Its a wonderful time to get to know those who are trying in heart with everything they've got to keep Portsmouth safe..... Also Amazing Love and Special Thanks to Brinn Sullivan, who with a small group of caring hearts, help give our Seniors Special Love, Admiration, Attention, and Support in their Golden Years.....  Thank God For You All....Amen (Some group photos and Picture 2 is of Brinn Sullivan and the amazing Melodie Laber Chapman) Special thanks and love as always to The Help!ComeHome! Team!!

City Harvest and NYC

A team of nine HCH volunteers recently traveled down to NYC to partner again with City Harvest, an organization that provides farm-fresh produce to communities throughout NYC, free of charge. City Harvest engages volunteers from the five boroughs and beyond, bringing helping hands together to help feed families that cannot otherwise afford the steep prices that all too often accompany farmer's market quality food. On the first Wednesday and third Saturday of every moth, City Harvest helps feed the 1.3 million New Yorkers facing hunger, redistributing excess food from supermarkets, restaurants, and famer's markets to where it is needed most. Families depend on these donations, often waiting in long lines to get the nutrition they seriously need. To find out more about City Harvest, click here.

Last Wednesday, HCH volunteers were happy to help collect groceries for the elderly, disabled, and others otherwise unable to collect the produce on their own. Other HCH volunteers helped prepare the produce for distribution, sorting through and bagging onions, squash, potatoes, and apples. Many thanks to those who joined us in these efforts! (Pictured below: Carol Thomas, Coleen Egan, Alison Mayo, Lynette Nicholas, Sarah Cooper, Bear Freeman, Mark Shelton, Tony Peppers, and Allen Ramsay.)


Good Evening!
I wanted to take a moment to recognize one of Help!ComeHome!'s most Wonderful Members, Alice Richardson, Ever caring and Ever loving to whoever is lucky enough to cross her path in Jesus Name. In the recent past, she asked her Gracious Employer, Kathleen Spang, who owns The Ocean Woods Resort in Kennebunkport Maine, to donate a ton of bed linens which helped Hurricane Victims in The South.  Even more recently, they donated furniture and televisions to help families in need!! We love you so much Alice! Thank you for being such a Beautiful part of The Team!! Special Thanks to Kathleen Spang, Portsmouth U-haul and their Generous Manager Jason,as well as to Michael Damour, Coleen Eagan Mayo, and Kathleen's employees Jeff and Sean!!! Stay Amazing Everyone and Be Safe! God Bless!!


Hello America! As Help!ComeHome! prepares for our upcoming mission trips to Texas and Florida where we will be partnering with fellow charities for the never ending work of Jesus, we have also been kept very busy in other states as well as New England. Here are some pics from Baltimore, Maryland where we partnered with Our Daily Bread Charity. Special thanks to Michael Damours, Shawn Day, Coleen Egan Mayo, Mark Shelton, Michelle Impey, Sarah Cooper, Renee Anderson, and Lynnette Nicholas... My Prayers Are With Everyone Across America and Far Beyond... God Be With You... Amen.


Good Evening,

These past few weeks have been horrible for so many across America. Our Heart, Prayers, and Love are with Everyone not only in Word but also in Deed... I have been very troubled for the Many still without Water. We have even shipped water to some who weren't able to get it before the storm... Some of the Communities that we previously asked to join in with HCH's WATER PROJECT refused our offers because they were confident that they would NEVER find themselves in ANY SITUATIONS like we thought... THEY were dead wrong!!!!!! THEY WOULD HAVE HAD WATER HAD THEY LISTENED.... So I humbly hope that our future endeavors at home in New England and abroad will find a different response, using these Unfortunate Disasters as School Teachers... no one knows the future or The Hand or Arm of God or His Righteous Judgements... The Stored Water will and can Only Help and Save Many Lives in an Uncertain Fate... Neighbor Helping Neighbor in a Time of Emergency... God Be With You All... Amen

36 people reached


Good evening, America!

Just days before Harvey struck, a team from HCH traveled down to Houston, TX to help prepare and serve meals at The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center, a men's homeless shelter and rehabilitation treatment program. We also held crisis intakes for other homeless individuals in the area. The need for help only continues to grow, especially in light of the recent hurricane damage. Please check back for updates on Hurricane Harvey relief! We will be sending teams to assist in clean-up and restoration shortly!

The Salvation Army kitchen stays open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, serving upwards of 600 homeless men each day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every resource the shelter uses - from human labor to food and kitchen products - is precious. Many of the men they help are homeless veterans struggling to get back on two feet after returning home from war. Others have simply fallen into hard times and need a helping hand. A simple smile or kind gesture can make a big difference for many of these men, who feel forgotten, abandoned and rejected, both by their own families and by society as a whole. Here are some photos from our journey...

Many thanks to those who volunteered with us... Pictured below: Melba Mayo-Martell, Elisha Mayo, Sarah Cooper, Mark Shelton, Allen Ramsay, Bear Freeman, Michael Damour, Coleen Egan, Lynnette Nicholas, and Chairwoman Alison Mayo.

Extra special thanks to one of our greatest volunteers in Texas, Melba Mayo-Martell. It was such a pleasure and privilege to work with you!