HCH in Texas: Part I

Good morning, America!

Along with nearly every other nonprofit in the US and far beyond, Help!ComeHome! was very busy in the last quarter of 2017. It is wonderful to see so many hearts rally together for the cause of the needy throughout man's holidays. I can only pray that this giving spirit continues throughout the rest of the Roman calendar year.

Our work down in Houston has carried on into 2018; the number of those in need only grows greater by the day. Because our work in Texas has been so extensive, we'll be posting about our time there in segments.

Here are some of our memories from working with the Children's Hunger Fund at America's Toy Wrap in Dallas.

The Children's Hunger Fund is a wonderful nonprofit that seeks to improve the lives of impoverished children in America and throughout the world. At last December's Toy Wrap, HCH and a host of other volunteers helped wrap thousands of toys for children in need. 

Stay blessed!

The Help!ComeHome! Team