We just want to take a moment in Thanks to The Lord that we are able to do all we can to selflessly help others! Some areas where we travel,are troublesome areas and in all these years,every single time we’ve needed a hand, they showed up. Just some memories from New Hampshire,Massachusetts,Rhode Island,Connecticut,Maryland,Mississippi, Florida,Utah and Texas, just to name a few!! =-)
We have had the Humble pleasure of meeting the most kindhearted Police Officers and Firemen who are Public servants! Even when we had to enter areas where one is judged by skin color,The Officers there were so filled with Brotherly Kindness and Love when they found out our cause!!
In every public workforce group there are a few bad eggs which cast a shadow,at times,over the 100’s of great People! We want to remind Americans of these Guardians of American Communities To Be remembered and Respected for Selflessly putting their lives on the Line every day for 1000s of Souls they’ve never met!! So our hats go off for Our Nation’s Officers and Firemen every Day!
Here are some of our Wonderful Times in Photos!!(A special nod to Officer Aaron of Herkimer NY that we met in our recent travels! First pic!=) )