Good Afternoon America!!!

Thank God for this time each year. Somehow, it inspires others to open their hearts and give like no other times in the year.

Many of these precious souls who rightfully receive this mercy are Veterans… It’s beautiful to honor the earthly guardian angels who have fought for our freedoms WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ANY OF OUR NAMES.

Here at HCH, we honor them every day along with any PUBLIC SERVANTS who lay their lives down on a daily basis!! This weekend, we send our love and anything we are able, to our beloved Veterans!!

As we walk into the future, it is with much thoughtful prayer for those in need, near and far. It seems that homeless populations have doubled all across the nation; and, with the incoming souls from other countries seeking a better way of life, it is heartbreaking!!

The work of this charity and all others has become very serious because when families can’t get full help from the mainstream charities, they seek out the smaller organizations. It’s a sad situation that doesn’t seem to have a resolve in sight!! We only pray that wherever you may live, if you find you have a little extra, please help out your local non-profits and charities. Every little bit helps.

God Bless,

The Team At HCH