Chairwoman and Board Member's Journey To Costa Rica!

Good Evening,

As many people know, myself and another Board member, Mark Shelton from HCH, traveled on a relief mission with The Apopka Ministries out of Central Florida to Costa Rica. This organization for 16 years has brought not only The Message of Jesus to this area, but has also helped the communities here build homes and put food on their tables and clothes on their backs. Needless to say, the journey has been a very great Blessing - but not without heartbreaking tears and sorrow for these beautiful people. I was recently invited to come to their church. No one was in fancy robes or in a fancy building performing ceremonies with pomp and circumstance... But I did see a humble open structure, with some wooden benches and a pulpit. I also witnessed very loving beautiful people who Honor Commandment Number 4, having a wonderful and amazing service! Those lucky enough to have a Bible shared with the person next to them. I never felt so much brotherly kindness and love coming from those who basically live with little or nothing. It was truly Heart-moving.........

Take Care and God Bless!

Alison (Ellie) Mayo
Chairwoman HCH