Good Afternoon to my American Family!

It has truly been a long time since our last post... We had everything set up to fully operate our Food Pantry, and some folks had already been coming to receive a helping hand. Unfortunately, everything came to a halt on May 25, 2020, when an American Citizen was murdered right before all the world's very eyes. We prayerfully voted to attend George Floyd's funeral services for the public on June 8, 2020 in Houston, Texas. It was a sadly beautiful and life-changing event. Our journey south led us on an even greater odyssey to fact-check so many news segments and find out the true sentiments of Americans across the nation, regardless of the statistics of class, skin color or demographics. My Team and I have made endless trips across America, helping every soul, every town, and every city we pass through along the way but I tell you, this was a mission like no other, and most will be amazed at what we found out... Some may not accept or like what I have to say in the upcoming posts, but I stand before God and IT WILL BE THE TRUTH! Please keep an open heart and watch out for the main brain-washing enemy of all the world. This enemy speaks some truths, so when the slanted part comes, we often don't see it. At some point or another you start trusting this stranger because of your family, a best friend, a trusted neighbor, or anyone you respect touting the latest politicians' pros and cons and so on. I am speaking of the world's news media!! Fact check them all by two or three other sources is all I'm saying. They bring more division to Americans than anyone realizes, and they and their OWNERS have been doing this for years!! One day you have a deep respect for someone and then you watch the news repeatedly and suddenly they've become an enemy???? I've seen this countless times!! It's heartbreaking... Thank God for His Wisdom to stand with His Group, Jesus Christ Matters, at all times and that's it. It's the only group that Loves all, fights for the causes of all, and stands against all injustice with inner compassion and no room for hatred or a two-faced tongue... I love everyone based on the Lord's Definition of Love, and God-willing this stand will never change. May God Be with You All!

Take Care,

Ellie Mayo and The HCH Team


It has almost been a month since the senseless tragic death of an American Brother. This death was not in vain, for as a result, God, whose hands hold every fate, time and judgement, opened wide a gate that had long been shut. This gate was so overgrown with weeds and thorns that it was obscured to the natural eye and heart.

Once this gate was opened, it exposed a great evil that many in society blindly considered to be normal because of generational patterns of upbringing and the slanting and hiding of history’s truths.

Injustice against blacks and minorities has existed longer than many would like to admit, but this injustice is only a symptom of a much greater war: a war between Good and Evil that has existed since the beginning of Time itself. Our enemy is not the police, and it is not a specific race, leader, or group of people. Our enemy is Satan, and the only way to defeat him is to follow the example of Jesus and HIS SELFLESS LOVE AT ALL TIMES, as Jesus himself instructed us to do. It is easy to move out of sorrow, anger, or passion and latch onto groups, join organizations, follow celebrity spokespersons, make enemies of individuals and entities, and lose sight of the greater picture. That’s why, according to the Bible, only FEW human beings in the history of the world have ever truly taken up the cross of our King, become reborn, let go of prejudice and pride, and walked the solitary road of self-sacrifice to which JESUS has called each one of us. Every day we pray that we may get closer to reach this calling, and will never stop fighting for this high and noble cause by His Grace.

We at HCH will forever stand for one group: Jesus Christ Matters.

True to His Enduring Love, we will not only stand against injustices targeting our own races, but also those targeting our neighbors near and far with whom we share this earth. So many of our fellow humans are tortured, beaten, and stripped of every human and God-given right on a daily basis simply for being born into second and third world countries and communities.

We believe God’s love supersedes all of man’s biased love for all the world's groups and positions.

God bless and stay safe everyone,

The Team at HCH


Good Morning to Our Beautiful American Family!

It was truly wonderful yesterday to join families and individuals paying their respects to one of the most beautiful classes in America : Those who have truly laid down their lives in the sight of God for this dear country for centuries. They continue to answer to the call for Justice and Freedom for all peoples, for the sake of love unfeigned and a kindness that is very rare... For you see, they don't even know any of our names, yet they continue to fight for our protection, freedom, and liberties under God with an endless love... I will forever be in AWE of these selfless ones... What many did for one day, we here at Help!ComeHome! do everyday: We honor our precious Veterans who cross our path or come to our doors seeking help, hope, prayers, a warm smile, a word, or a hug... We purposely waited until today to post this, because remembering and giving back should be a daily occurrence for all... They have carried us on their backs in ways we can't even imagine UP TO THIS MINUTE before Heaven! May each of them be given a worthy portion at The Lord's Second Coming in Jesus’s Name... 🙏🏾✌️

God Bless everyone and please stay mindful! Keep your loved ones and others SAFE.

Ellie Mayo



Good Afternoon to Our American Family,

We have had a short delay in opening our Relief Pantry due to waiting on supplies we ordered over a month ago. Thankfully, we have still been able to help individuals and families that have called in for help.

One thing is for sure. As we all walk together on the same side of ONE battlefield for the first time in the history of THIS generation before God, fighting an invisible enemy that doesn't identify with skin color, worldly groups, gender, or one's political views, let every person take note: It has only one agenda, which is to make it into your body and try to kill you. Every human from here to Africa has had to follow the same rules of engagement in fighting this enemy.

By God's Graces, the cure will be finally brought forward and a new, more friendly and loving society will emerge. The old society we lived in for years has proven for countless to be unfair and sometimes very scary. We know this first hand from our travels and meetings in many towns and cities throughout America and the world.

We send our Love and Hope to all, that most will make it through this with a sigh of relief and a new appreciation for all life.

Peace and Love,

Alison (Ellie) Mayo



Good Afternoon,

I pray that this message finds most of our American Family safe and with loved ones. For those here at home as well as worldwide, we send continual love and prayers from the bottom of our hearts. Our Hope is in The Lord that through fate and time, a cure will quickly prevail for the suffering and those whose hearts are broken from the illness or loss of loved ones in this war with an invisible enemy. We are doing what we are able locally by helping all who contact us. We've helped out many folks with their bills and with food. We've offered smiles and uplifting words for the weary. Right now we are almost finished stocking the Chairwoman's family business, Ellie's Port O2, for a pantry. The Charity has prepared food baskets there on many occasions in the past. The hours of operation will be posted in the local papers, and visitors can come by appointment to assure everyone's safety through these difficult times.

Take Care and God Be With You ☮️ 🙏🏾 🙏✌🏾✌️🌎


Good Afternoon,
Our hearts and love go out to all of America and every country worldwide. Help!ComeHome! will be helping out wherever and whenever we are able by and through God's Graces in these troubling times. We were just preparing for a journey to Tennessee to aid other charities with the tragedy there, when this unfortunate set of circumstances came everyone's way. We have much to be grateful for. We have many beautiful allies everywhere all over our great country that we have worked with to bring love, comfort, hope, and supplies, drying as many tears as we can in the true cause of Jesus. We have laid down our lives and will be doing this humbling, at times heart-wrenching, and gracious work for the rest of our days in His Holy Name in America and throughout the world. Here are a few of some of our wonderful memories! There will be many more to come God willing!

God Bless ☮️❤️


Good Evening to Our American Family,

Due to the unfortunate set of scary circumstances affecting the whole world through this judgement of a plague, Help!ComeHome! has cancelled everything on its immediate agenda involving events and travel in and out of New England. We will still be taking some emergency intakes and helping out local fellow organizations in New Hampshire and the surrounding areas when possible.

One thing is for sure! All nations are finally being forced to reassess the value of human life.

SADLY, it took this tragedy to have families VISIBLY see one another IN PERSON, hold a conversation, and get to really know each other for the first time, without running out the door going here and there!

Communication, human contact, and emotions are a blessed and beautiful gift from God. Nuts, bolts, wires, and software, no matter how USEFUL, can EVER replace that. Though a wonderful tool when used rightly, TECHNOLOGY is NOT The Living God.

Our prayers and love continue for our American family and all the people of the human race affected by this invisible enemy. May God open the way for mankind to find the antidote.

Stay safe, America, and look out for one another.



Good Afternoon America,

In these times, we have often found ourselves in scary and volatile situations filled with uncertainty. The safety of Americans is very important to us. The Charity Fundraising Event has been months in planning, and all musicians involved have taken time out of their busy schedules for this worthy cause. In light of the coronavirus outbreak and scare, we are moving forward with public safety in mind. If we feel that it would be better served at a later date, then it will be rescheduled. We will keep everyone updated.

God Bless,

The HCH Board

Remembering Dear Justin Youkey

Dear America,

During these past couple of weeks, HCH has set aside time to mourn the passing of one of our beloved members and volunteers, Justin Youkey. Justin went home to the Lord earlier in January, leaving behind many family members and friends.

Justin was a prominent attorney in Philadelphia, PA who fought every day for the rights and liberties of the people of society. He demonstrated a strong commitment to serving the less fortunate, both in his job and in his personal life. We are deeply grateful for the time and resources he devoted to HCH. He will continue to live on in the hearts and minds of those who knew and loved him, and he will forever occupy a precious place on the HCH volunteer roster.

Cherish every moment and every person in your life, because you never know what a day may bring.


The Team at HCH

Justin Youkey.png


Good Afternoon Dear America,

We have all made it by God's Graces through yet another year and now have completed a fifth of the consequential journey into the 21st Century. In a short 20 years, so much has changed in the way of America's values, moral character, children just being able to be children, one’s personal general safety, the way senior citizens, disabled and veterans are treated, as well as the less fortunate and homeless population... For those who remember the world before this time, keep it burning in your hearts. Live it and pass it onto your children. Rear your young ones with old school values and the Second Great Commandment: "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself." Don't let Robots and Artificial Intelligence become THE PARENTS OF YOUR CHILD. It doesn't know LOVE OR BROTHERLY KINDNESS. Use it for positive teaching, learning, helping others, or finding directions (GPS). It's a TOOL, not GOD or a guide of LOVE ON ITS OWN. Do not let it take the place of Human Contact! That is a BLESSING FROM THE LORD HIMSELF. There's no robot that can give a good OLD FASHIONED HUG WITH EMOTIONS! When and if possible, get out and see your loved ones and lifelong friends... Remember, time waits for NO ONE.

All of Our Love to Our American Family and Far Beyond,

Ellie Mayo




Good evening America,

It has been a very long and weary year for us and so many others nationwide and across the Earth. Our hearts, prayers, and love go out to all... As the year winds down we can still reflect back on The Work of God accomplished and all the smiles and friendships that have been forged along the way..... Here is a look at our Summer and Fall Yard sales in Kingston along side their Fall Festival. Special thanks to these beautiful hearts: Raymond Harris, Alice Richardson, Dwayne Walker, Renee Anderson, Rossine Mayo, Antonio Peppers, Lynnette Nicholas, Holly Kirkendoll, William Graves, Karen Howe, Coleen Mayo, Allen Ramsay, Michelle Impey and Mark Shelton. We thank The Lord for dear Ellie... God Bless and please keep safe in these times!


Good Afternoon,
It's that time again when a great many people whom no one acknowledges and who have been getting by on just "A wing and a prayer" through God's Graces, are just waiting for the holiday season to begin. Why? These hidden precious folks of our American Family understand that for some reason, this is the time when people decide to open their hearts and blessings and remember those who are poverty stricken like no other time in the year. There are those who do quietly give throughout the year and understand that their reward is with The Lord as well as those who can only afford to give once and so choose this time. Much love to all of you. During your Holiday Season, no matter what your situation is, if you are in the position to give to those in need, no matter where you live, please support your local community. Even if you do not have items or money to donate, you have something even more priceless from God: A warm hug, a smile, and a humble listening ear... NO ROBOT can duplicate that... God's Love.

Take Care and God Bless



Good Evening,

In early September, while traveling back to New England from Flint and Detroit, Michigan in our long mid-summer journey, we got word that Newark, New Jersey was going through a water crisis. We called City Hall to see if any extra hands or aid were needed. The Deputy Mayor responded to say that any help would be welcome and told us where to go. I have to say, I have never been to a place in crisis that had such humble and kind volunteers and officers, from city government officials right down to ordinary citizens. It was a joy to help such a gracious group of people who definitely had The Lord's Compassion and Patience towards those in need. God Bless all, including the big non-profits and businesses who came together with water donations from all over!! Here are some of our memories in pictures... Special thanks to Renee Anderson and Her Wonderful Husband Leon, Lynnette Nicholas, Michelle Impey, Mark Shelton, and Allen Ramsay, our amazing chairwoman and all the team members in the city of Newark.

God Bless and Take Care...


Good Afternoon,
As Americans go through their lives, some encounter day-to-day issues beyond their control, and unfortunately those issues can lead to a downward spiral. All who are stable and blessed need understanding, brotherly love, and a non-judging patient charity when encountering members of our American Family who have fallen into a position where they are down and out. Not EVERY person that is homeless or afflicted is lazy or a bum. You will find if you take time to observe and listen with God's General Law of Kindness in your heart, that a lot of the time you will leave them knowing the full TRUE story, and not some society-driven, made-up, judgemental scenario that you take as the final and supreme WORD... Here are our beautiful yet painfully sorrow-filled memories from Chicago, Illinois on our stop into one of many mini tent-cities during our journey through Upper America... A warm smile, a hug, and the giving of creature comforts go a very long way before The Lord God... we also introduced ourselves to the Department of Health and Human Services there....

God Bless and Much Love


Good Evening,
I pray this message finds everyone safe and in good health... We returned to our home base just a handful of days ago after seeking out disenfranchised communities throughout the US in Jesus's Name. In our long, eventful journey this summer across the North and Southwest, we met so many members of our American Family who had become homeless for various, heartbreaking reasons, but who had the most positive and humble spirits in spite of their circumstances. They were very thankful for any help given - even for just a warm smile or listening ear. One of the cities where we found this spirit in so many was Salt Lake City, Utah. We were thankful to return to this city after traveling there in previous cross-country trips. We were truly moved by two police officers we met while there. They were not only genuinely looking out for the good of the city, but also for the homeless to make sure they were safe in the park where they were permitted to stay and rest. While traveling across our Great Country in Jesus's Name, we've met countless police officers. ALL of them have been very kind, informative, and willing to help us - whether with directions or in answering our questions about their community. Here are a few of our memories from a handful of weeks ago. God Bless the Great Folks of Salt Lake City...

Take Care and God Bless


Good Afternoon,

As people live out this day, countless are stopping and taking time to reflect on what occurred on this date almost 20 years ago... Undeniably, there were many extraordinary, normal Americans who laid down their lives, fighting to the last second on that fate-filled day, to preserve the liberties and freedoms that we all have under God. These beautiful, countless souls have already been SELFLESSLY making AMERICA GREAT FOR CENTURIES... UNDER GOD THROUGHOUT EVERY ERA OF TIME... Help!ComeHome! Team Members stopped to humbly pay our respects to our American family members on Flight 93. Thank God for the National Flight 93 Memorial and the wonderful park curator, Rosanne Croyle, as well as the team of park rangers there. May The Good Lord bless you all... Please take a moment and reflect on the true heroes of our dear country, those precious hidden ones who quietly, lovingly, and beautifully take a stand without hesitation whenever needed and without any prejudices...

Take care of yourselves and each other.
God Bless.


Good evening to my American family,
HCH is in the last leg of a most wonderful, joyful, tearful, and at times heart-wrenching journey. It began in the Pacific Northwest in Oregon, where my childhood friend and brother for life, Bobby Baker, lives with his beautiful family... From there we went into many towns and cities for missionary work in Jesus's Name. By God's Graces we were able to return to Flint, Michigan to see for ourselves how things had progressed since the Water Crisis... Things are moving along, but sadly at a snail's pace for the lower middle-class and poorest areas... just as our American families there were humble and thankful the first time we came, this time it was a beautiful thing to arrive unannounced and give them what is most needed: WATER - A FREE GIFT FROM GOD TO ALL MEN. Here are some memories in pictures...

Special, special thanks to the Walmart Team at Corunna Rd in Flint, Michigan. A shout out to Candy, Bree, Brice, Kevin, Chris, and above all, James Kelley, the Manager. Great thanks also to Brittney, Assistant Director of the Flint Salvation Army; the Flint U Haul Company; the Manager of IHOP; and everyone else I may have failed to mention! Simply wonderful... All my love to my American family in Flint, Michigan... We will NEVER forget about you!!!

Take care of each other and God bless,


Good Afternoon,

I can only pray that this message finds everyone well... In the past few months, Help!ComeHome! has traveled deep into America's Heartland, attended and organized events, and performed intakes that have helped countless souls. One of the most memorable trips was to New York City to with New York Cares: Food First, an organization that distributes food to the poor and homeless in Jesus’s Name. Here are some of our special memories from this Blessed Occasion! Many Special Thanks to Mark Shelton, Lynnette Nicholas, Sarah Cooper, Renee Anderson and her wonderful husband Leon, Coleen Mayo, Allen Ramsey, William Graves, Teshaunah Mayo, Antonio Peppers, Michelle Impey, Thomas Cooper, Evon Cooper, and many others who came forward in Jesus’s Name working behind the scenes... I thank The Dear Lord...

God Bless and Be Safe...

Alison (Ellie) Mayo


Good Morning to Our Dear American Family,

Our hearts are heavy and our heads stay bowed before The Lord because tragedy after tragedy and judgement have become more common place. IN THIS YEAR ALONE, LET US REMEMBER: Dayton, Ohio - 10 Precious Souls; El Paso, Texas - 20 Precious Souls; Gilroy, California - 4 Precious Souls; Virginia Beach, Virginia - 13 Precious Souls; Highlands Ranch, Colorado - 1 Precious Soul; Charlotte, North Carolina - 2 Precious Souls; Poway, California - 1 Precious Soul; Aurora, Illinois - 6 Precious Souls; Houston, Texas - 2 Precious Souls; Ascension Parish and Livingston Parish, Louisiana - 5 Precious Souls; and Sebring, Florida - 5 Precious Souls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not including the COUNTLESS AMERICANS WHO HAVE BEEN WOUNDED and WHO HAVE SUFFERED LOSS OF LOVED ONES... Think about your day-to-day grudges that you think are so great between you and others. Before God, we all need to lay aside the day-to-day "riff stuff" and depend on The Lord and each other to get through these times of peril. Save your energies and frustrations to fight an ever-looming enemy that you cannot always see with your natural eyes... HOME GROWN TERRORISTS... we are all part of this American Family under God and EVERYONE, EVEN THE ONES YOU MAY THINK ARE THE WORST OF THE WORST, CAN USE A PRAYER... Prayers and much Love for the Household of Faith and Our American Family in Jesus Name without ceasing... Blessed be all the countless and nameless Americans who continually have come out to stand firmly yet peaceably against the force of Evil that has stepped out of the shadows and is rearing its head more and more in this country... Amen.


Good Afternoon!

I pray this message finds you well... The year is half over and our board members have been through several heartbreaks. We have also stood in solidarity with our American brothers and sisters during their times of seemingly endless sorrow... We have been busy plugging away at our set agenda in Jesus Name... One yearly journey we take is with Pastor Scott Shelton and his Beautiful Wife Gail from the Apopka Florida Ministry. We accompany their team to Costa Rica on a missionary journey to do the Lord's Work. We help humble, grateful souls with prayers, love, food, furniture, clothing, health care, and home repair (just as we do with countless souls for our American Family). Above all, we help show the way to The Lord Jesus and His Kingdom. We are just flying in from this very life-changing and heart-wrenching Road... Here are some of our memories in pictures... Take Care and God Bless...